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Predicted properties of the compound entered.

Formula C6H6
IUPAC Name benzene
Standard InChI
Standard InChIKey
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Other Names and Identifiers
Standard InChI (User Input) InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H
Non-Standard InChI
Non-Standard InChIKey
Other Names and Identifiers BENZENE | 27271-55-2 | 68956-52-5 | 26181-88-4 | 174973-66-1 | 54682-86-9 | 71-43-2 | NCGC00090744-02 | UN1114 | Benzen [Polish] | Benzene + aniline combo | 270709_ALDRICH | 311855_SIGMA | Benzene (including benzene from gasoline) | 676985_ALDRICH | Benzene [UN1114] [Flammable liquid] | 154628_SIAL | Benzene, labeled with carbon-14 and tritium | benzol | benzole | 322644_SIGMA | Benzin (Obs.) | InChI=1/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6 | 12540_FLUKA | Benzine (Obs.) | NCGC00163890-02 | Benzol 90 | Benzene-U-14C | NCGC00090744-01 | Benzene-UL-14C | 401765_ALDRICH | Benzol diluent | 12552_FLUKA | Benzolo [Italian] | RNG | 12553_FLUKA | 319953_SIAL | ST5214351 | CHEBI:16716 | NCGC00163890-01 | ghl.PD_Mitscher_leg0.503 | Benzene, pure | BNZ | c0142 | Hydrocarbons, C4-8 | Benzeen | Benzen | Benzin | Benzine | Benzolene | Benzolo | Bicarburet of hydrogen | Carbon oil | Coal naphtha | Cyclohexatriene | Fenzen | Mineral naphtha | Motor benzol | NCI-C55276 | NSC67315 | Nitration benzene | Phenyl hydride | Pyrobenzol | Pyrobenzole | WLN: RH | [6]Annulene | CCRIS 70 | Caswell No. 077 | EINECS 200-753-7 | EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 008801 | Fenzen [Czech] | HSDB 35 | NSC 67315 | Phene | Aromatic alkane | RCRA waste no. U109 | RCRA waste number U019 | UN 1114 | Polystream | C01407 | (6)Annulene | 32212_RIEDEL | Benzene, labeled with carbon-14 | 48503_SUPELCO | AI3-00808 | Benzeen [Dutch]
Property Value Unit Accuracy
Absolute Entropy of Ideal Gas at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Acentric Factor - - -
Critical Compressibility Factor - - -
Critical Pressure - - -
Critical Temperature - - -
Critical Volume - - -
Enthalpy of Formation for Ideal Gas at 298.15K - - -
Liquid Molar Volume at 298.15K - - -
Molecular Weight - - -
Net Standard State Enthalpy of Combustion at 298.15K - - -
Normal Boiling Point - - -
Melting Point - - -
Refractive Index - - -
Solubility Parameter at 298.15K - - -
Standard State Absolute Entropy at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Standard State Enthalpy of Formation at 298.15K and 1bar - - -
Magnetic Susceptibility - - -
Polarizability - - -
Flash Point - - -
Parachor - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Lower Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Temperature - - -
Upper Flammability Limit Volume Percent - - -
Liquid Density at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Heat of Vaporization at 298.15K - - -
Heat of Vaporization at Normal Boiling Point - - -
Water Solubility - - -